We offer community acupuncture in Savannah because acupuncture is a low cost therapy that is useful for a wide array of conditions. Just like Western Medicine excelling at certain things, there are some disorders that respond exceedingly well to this ancient therapy.
Acupuncture for migraine relief is something that tends to get remarkable results.
It is a disservice to all migraine sufferers that the effectiveness of acupuncture with migraines is not widely known; otherwise, there would be a community acupuncture clinic on every corner.
Not only is acupuncture a potent form of migraine relief but the treatment can be really simple.
Often, patients have come in with debilitating migraines that were unrelenting. Within minutes, many have found lasting relief and were amazed that something so horrible could be stopped in its tracks by just a few thin needles. In a community acupuncture setting, using acupuncture as a first line of defense for migraines has greater promise because the barrier of cost is greatly reduced. This transforms a minimally invasive therapy into a much needed public service.
One of the biggest challenges for acupuncture in general is it’s relatively young status in our culture and the medical establishment. Although more people are embracing it as a viable form of health care, acupuncture is a branch of Chinese Medicine. It comes from a culture much different than our own and dates back to over two thousand years ago.
That’s a lot for the Western mind to accept, especially when you add on seemingly metaphysical concepts like qi (chee). It sounds interesting if you’re watching Kung Fu Theater and there is a western physiological correlation to qi. But when you’re in pain and ardently seeking help, the promise of magical energy isn’t what usually motivates one to seek treatment.
You may not be aware of it but there have been a lot of studies on acupuncture and migraines.
This article by the Journal of the American Medical Association concludes that both acupuncture and sham acupuncture were way better for migraines than trying to wait one out. An article by the New York Times also covers a reputable study financed by the National Institutes of Health, showing acupuncture as being effective for migraines and other forms of chronic pain.
We’re not big on cherry picking research though. To be fair, you can google acupuncture and find a lot of studies on either side of the camp. We at SCA take all scientific studies for or against acupuncture with a grain of salt.
Relying on studies to evaluate acupuncture becomes irrelevant when you consistently see acupuncture knock migraines out of the park. That isn’t a complete dismissal of scientific research but even an experienced MD would agree that what happens in one’s daily clinical experience may not always fit nicely into a randomized controlled study.
Of course, we wouldn’t expect you to seek us out when a migraine strikes just because we say acupuncture is awesome for it. What others are saying speaks louder than anything we could offer so please check out our reviews.
Also our community model is about affordable acupuncture increasing natural health care options for everyone in Savannah. Something as simple and cost effective as community acupuncture may be all you need for migraine relief without spending a lot just to find out if it’s right for you.
Feel free to give us a call or shoot us a message if you have a question.