Chinese Medicine is helpful for a lot of conditions. For some time, interest in acupuncture and Chinese herbs has grown due to increased public demand. Chinese Medicine has also been accepted into hospitals and other western medical institutions.
Even with its popularity, there are three major roadblocks stopping more people from trying Chinese Medicine:
- Treatments are too expensive. Many people dismiss acupuncture and Chinese herbs without even trying because it doesn’t fall into their budget for health care.
- Few people know what Chinese Medicine treats. It is often not considered when someone has a health issue because many don’t know how well acupuncture and Chinese herbs work for a particular condition.
- The general public doesn’t know what to expect. Just like with western medical treatments, it’s important to know how to evaluate Chinese Medicine so you can figure out if it’s the right treatment option for you. Common questions are:
- How many times do I have to come in?
- What is the most realistic outcome?
- How long will it most likely take to start seeing results?
Without answers to these questions, a patient either never considers Chinese Medicine or gets disheartened quickly because they have no idea how to base one’s expectations.
We strive to overcome these barriers so you can take advantage of what Chinese Medicine has to offer at a realistic cost. We also suggest a road map on how to use our services during your first visit and talk about what you might expect the results to be.
Meet Our Team:
Jeffrey Schifanelli
President & Licensed Acupuncturist
Jeffrey is a GA licensed acupuncturist and classical Chinese herbalist. He graduated summa cum laude from Flagler College with a Bachelor’s in English. He then received a Master’s in Chinese Medicine from Yo San Unviversity in Los Angeles, CA where he graduated valedictorian. Jeffrey is also nationally board certified in Chinese Medicine and has been practicing since 2011. He focuses on early Han dynasty classics that are the foundation of Chinese Medicine.
Over the years, Jeffrey realized that Chinese Medicine is a life system that can radically transform the quality of one’s life. Its gifts go beyond acupuncture and herbs. He has also seen how the biases of modern materialism have caused people to unnecessarily suffer due to an underexposure of all this medicine offers.
He hopes that SCA will expand public awareness of Chinese Medicine while playing an important role in healthcare access for our community.
Meet Our Board Members:
Dr. Jen Marks
Vice President & Licensed Acupuncturist
Jen is nationally board certified in Chinese Medicine and a licensed acupuncturist in GA as well as NY. She has a private practice in Midtown and received her Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) in San Diego. Jen is also a certified Holistic Health Counselor trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City.
Jen loves to travel. She continues to study and likes to learn new things especially when it gives her an opportunity to visit new places. Jen also likes playing board games.
Joyce Schifanelli
Joyce has successfully run three businesses with her husband while also being a mother to her sons. She has a background in music as a graduate of the NY School of Performing Arts and has an accomplished career in various professions from entertainment to child day care administration.
Joyce likes to write and play piano in her spare time. She is currently finishing a novel about the lives of eastern Europeans during the turn of the 20th century.